Welcome to Level up Spanish 🎉
The Free-to-use app designed to make you more proficient at speaking Spanish in the workplace.
Welcome to Level up Spanish 🎉
The Free-to-use app designed to make you more proficient at speaking Spanish in the workplace.

How it works...
Level up Spanish combines traditional Spanish learning elements with word puzzles, quizzes and some friendly competition amongst your peers to make your Spanish learning experience fruitful AND fun.

Lessons consist of three primary chapters and one bonus chapter, each containing three phrases. A free lesson will become available to you each day. If you complete the three primary lessons before the end of the day you will have unlocked the lesson, meaning you can go back at any time and retake the lesson. If you don't complete the lesson before the end of the day, the lesson will be available for purchase.
Lessons consist of three primary chapters and one bonus chapter, each containing three phrases. A free lesson will become available to you each day. If you complete the three primary lessons before the end of the day you will have unlocked the lesson, meaning you can go back at any time and retake the lesson. If you don't complete the lesson before the end of the day, the lesson will be available for purchase.

Quizzes are a set of 50 rapid fire questions which force you to translate words on the fly. The more consecutive questions you answer correctly, the less time you have to answer each question. Better grab some caffeine before you embark.

Quizzes are a set of 50 rapid fire questions which force you to translate words on the fly. The more consecutive questions you answer correctly, the less time you have to answer each question. Better grab some caffeine before you embark.

Unscramble the Spanish words to correctly make the English phrase. You'll be graded on your accuracy so click carefully amigo. Getting the phrase correct will yield you some juicy internet points.
It's like a standard word scramble but all the words and clues are in Spanish. You start with a scrambled Spanish word along with a Spanish definition. If you unscramble the word correctly with those two clues alone you get the full 15 experience for that word. If you're struggling you can translate the definition to English and/or display a scrambled version of the English word, but each English hint you get will cost you 5 experience.